Asus CUV4X motherboard socket 370 intel ISA RS232 OEM
Asus CUV4X motherboard socket 370 intel ISA RS232 OEM genuine
motherboard Asus CUV4X OEM specs:
form factor: Micro ATX
chipset type VIA Apollo Pro133A
max bus speed 133.0 MHz
socket processor: socket PGA370
slots processors: 1 (unity)
compatible processors: intel Celeron, intel Pentium III
supported max RAM size: 1.5 Gb - 3.0 x PCI memory - DIMM 168-pin
technology SDRAM, Data Integrity check ECC, Parity
audio: compliant standards AC'97
expansion slots / connectivity: 1.0 x CPU AGP Pro, 1.0 x AMR, 1.0 x, 2.0 x
storage interfaces ATA-66 - connector(s): 2 x 40pin IDC
includes: 1x Asus CUV4X motherboard socket 370 intel ISA RS232 OEM genuine
good condition as new and 100% functional
OEM: controlled origin product, tested and waranty